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Cegep Edouard Monpetit_Anglais_précollégial_R. Tunicliffe
Cegep Edouard Monpetit_Anglais_précollégial_R. Tunicliffe
Module 1
Watching: A Weather Report
Watching: A Weather Report
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◄ LESSON: Weather
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LESSON: The Alphabet
Click and Listen: the Alphabet
Watching: the Alphabet
Practice: The Alphabet A to N
Practice: The Alphabet O to Z
Pronunciation: the Alphabet
Practice: Matching - the Alphabet
LESSON: Numbers
Watching: Bingo Numbers
Listening: Numbers
LESSON: Weather
Listen and Repeat: CEGEP Student Card
HELP! Find your CEGEP Program Name in English
HELP! How to Pronounce Your CEGEP Program Name in English: Technical Programs
HELP! How to Pronounce Your CEGEP Program name in English: Pre-University Programs and 'Tremplin Dec'.
Practice: What time is it?
Watching: Telling the time on a clock
LESSON: Articles: a, an, the
Practice: Indefinite Articles - Things You Find on a Desk
LESSON: Months and Seasons
Practice: Months and Seasons
Practice: Seasons and Months crossword
Practice: Find the Words - Months and Seasons
Practice: Meeting People
Practice: Saying hello and goodbye
Listen and Repeat: Meeting People
Practice: Where are you from?
Listen and Repeat: Where are they from?
Vocabulary Practice: Countries around the World
Reading: Where are they from?
Vocabulary Practice: Jobs
Practice: Verb to Be - Affirmative and Negative
Reading: Personal Information
Listen and Repeat: Questions and Short Answers
Listening: Personal Information
Listening and Reading: Interview with the band Groove
Grammar Check
HELP! Comment partager un écran et s'enregistrer avec Flipgrid
Becoming a Lifelong Learner
Clothes and Accessories
LESSON: Verb to Have
LESSON: Possessives
Vocabulary: Family Members
Practice: Family Matters
Practice: Possessive Adjectives
Practice: Using ‘s with Names
Reading: Modern Family
Listening: Dictation
Listening: Bucky and Liz
Grammar Check
Practice: Verb to Have
Practice: Families - What do they look like?
Practice: Physical Descriptions
LESSON: Present Simple
Vocabulary: Days of the Week
Listen and Repeat: Days of the Week
LESSON: Negative Sentences
LESSON: How to Structure Questions
LESSON: Question Words
Practice: Life Stories - Questions and Negatives
Practice: Questions - Laurent Duvernay-Tardif
Practice: Questions - Flashcards
Grammar Check: Questions and Negatives
Listening Check
LESSON: There is/There are
Practice: There is or There Are
LESSON: Modal Verbs
Practice: Can / Can't / Could
Listen and Repeat: Can and Can't
Watching: A Day in the Life of a Student
Vocabulary: Adjectives
Practice: Should, Must
Listen and Repeat: Should and Must
Practice: Have To
Listen and Repeat: Have to and Has to
Reading: 8 pieces of advice for college students**Contains Personalized Cegep Info
Watching: 12 Etiquette Rules from Around the World
Vocabulary: Technology
Watching: Using Omnivox for the First Time
Watching: How to Install the Omnivox app on your Cellphone
Watching: Your Cegep Account
Watching: Using the Shift Key to make Capital Letters
Watching: Using Spell Check and Grammar Check in Word
Practice: Useful MS Word Vocabulary Your Teacher Might Use
Vocabulary: at the COOP
Watching: The Co-op's Return Policy
Watching: How to email a teacher part 1
Watching: How to Email a Teacher 2
Reading Strategy: 11 Elements of an Effective, Non-Annoying Email
Writing: Email a teacher
Bonus Material: Writing Emails
Speaking: Becoming a Life-long Learner
Watching: A Trip to the Grocery Store
Vocabulary: Fruits and Vegetables
Watching: Shopping for Fruits and Vegetables
Reading and Listening: Food Coops
Practice Vocabulary: Vegetables
Practice Vocabulary: Fruit
Practice Matching: Fruit
Practice Matching: Fruits and Vegetables
Reading and Listening: Food Co-Ops
Listening and Writing: Make Your Grocery List
Speaking: Ordering Groceries
Vocabulary: Breakfast
Vocabulary: Lunch and Dinner/Supper
Vocabulary: Desserts and Snacks
Vocabulary: Spices and Cooking Staples
Vocabulary: Preparing Food
Vocabulary: Measures and Containers
LESSON: The Imperative
Practice: Your Favorite Recipe
Watching: How to make poached eggs and toast
Watching: Verbs for Cooking
Watching: How to Make Iced Coffee
Watching: The Origins of Poutine
Watching: Food Delivery
LESSON: Simple Past - Regular Verbs
LESSON: Simple Past - Irregular Verbs
LESSON: Simple Past - Questions
Listening: Past Years
Listen and Repeat: Past Years
Reading: Simple Past - Humans of New York
Practice: Was/Were
Pronunciation Exploration: Simple Past -ed endings
Listen and Repeat: ed endings
Pronunciation Practice: Simple Past -ed endings Part 1
Pronunciation Practice: Simple Past -ed endings Part 2
Watching: My Last Holiday
Practice: Simple Past - Questions and Negatives - Our Last Vacation
Watching: Simple Past - Dear Basketball
Practice: Simple Past - Mixed Verb Tenses - Dear Basketball
Practice: Simple Past - My Weekend
Vocabulary: At Home
Vocabulary: Household Chores
Practice: Household Chores
Watching: Household Chores
Vocabulary: Around the House
LESSON: Make or Do
Practice 1: Make or Do
Practice 2: Make or Do
Watching: Make or Do?
Speaking: Becoming a Life-Long Learner
Vocabulary: Work
Vocabulary: School
Vocabulary: Jobs and Professions
Vocabulary: Daily Routines
Vocabulary: Hobbies and Pastimes
Watching: Daily Schedules
Watching: Student Jobs - Balancing School, Life and Work
Watching: Communication at Work
Watching: Sarah-Ann's Work-Life Balance
Watching: Work-Life Balance
LESSON: Present Progressive
Practice: Simple Present: A Nurse and a Veterinarian
Practice: Simple Present vs Present Progressive
LESSON: Clothing and Shopping
LESSON: Clothing and Accessories
Practice: Present Progressive: What are they WEARING?
Practice: Present Progressive: What are they DOING?
Practice: Present Simple vs Present Progressive: Chalet Life
Watching: How to describe appearance
Vocabulary: Physical Descriptions
Vocabulary Practice: Physical Descriptions
Listening and Reading: Physical Descriptions
Dictation: Physical Descriptions
Listening Test: Physical Descriptions
LESSON: Transportation and Prepositions
Watching: Prepositions
Practice: Prepositions of Transport
LESSON: Adjectives
Practice: Adjectives to Describe the World Around Us
Watching: How playing sports benefits your body and your brain
LESSON: Future with Will
Practice: Future with Will
Reading: Robots
Watching: Future with Will - What Will Happen Next?
LESSON: Future with Will and Be Going to
Will or Be going to- Next Summer
Will or Be Going to - Sarah's Weekend
Speaking: Becoming a Life-Long Learner
LESSON: What are Soft Skills?
LESSON: What are Hard Skills?
Watching: Hard Skills vs Soft Skills
Watching: Transferable Job Skills
Vocabulary Practice: Hard Skills or Soft Skills
LESSON: Adverbs
Listen and Repeat: CEGEP Student Card ►